Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Lab Build: Day 4 - 21/03/17

A new milestone has been reached, the first layer of bricks have been laid!

The wall is now around 5 bricks high all the way around, forgot to take a picture when the workers finished but should have some in the next blog post.

For the rest of the day and night we once again continued perilously lugging the mounds of earth and soil (and a ton of clay) to are newly emptied skip. Due to a later starting time we didn't manage to fill it all the way up, that's tomorrows job. 

This is also a great time to announce the Half.corp youtube channel. My main channel Halflife390 is mainly for gaming but I used to put video of all my projects on there. I have now decided it would be a good idea to set up a second channel purely for my science based content. What better way to start a new channel then with a video series documenting the construction of the lab where all the future videos for the channel will be filmed.

Half.corp science/engineering projects (Second channel) -

Main gaming channel (For those who are interested) -

Stay tuned for more updates and subscribe to the Half.corp youtube channel for video logs on the lab project.

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