Monday, 16 April 2018

High Current Transformer (Teaser)

My friend from university came down to the lab today and so we decided to do a small project. Making a high current transformer has been on my list of projects for a long time so I thought why not have a go at it today.

The high current transformer is the opposite of a high voltage transformer (the things I usually mess about with). Instead of long blue arcs, it creates showers of hot sparks as hundreds of amps flow though extremely thick cables. There is so much current being pumped out of this transformer its enough to melt metal!

Unfortunately, this post is just a teaser of what is to come. When I get time, the transformer will be put into a wooden housing and be used as an arc welder so I will be able to weld metal together if needed for future projects. When that is done, I will make a longer post with a video and more pictures showing this crazy powerful device in action. So keep your eyes out for that.

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